
The :std/net/websocket package provides functionality for writing websocket clients and servers.

To use bindings from this module

(import :std/net/websocket)

WebSocket interface

(interface (WebSocket Socket)
  (send (msg :~ valid-message?))
  (recv) ; -> message

(defstruct message (data type partial?) final: #t
  constructor: :init!)

(def (valid-message? msg)
  (using (msg : message)
    (if (memq msg.type '(text close))
      (check-argument (string? msg.data) "string" msg.data)
      (check-argument (u8vector? msg.data) "u8vector" msg.data))))

(defmethod {:init! message}
  (lambda (self data type (partial? #f))
    (using (self :- message)
      (set! self.data data)
      (set! self.type type)
      (set! self.partial? partial?))))

The WebSocket interface provides the abstractions for sending and receiving messages. Messages are instances of message, which encapsulates the data together with its type and a partial frame indicator.

The following bindings providing the necessary functionality for working with websockets.


(defstruct message (data type partial?))

Instances of message are the unit of IO for websockets. The struct has the following fields:

  • data is the payload of the message.
    • If the message type is 'text or 'close, then it must be a string
    • Otherwise, it is a u8vector.
  • type is the type of the message, a symbol. It must be one of
    • 'binary for a binary message.
    • 'text for a textual message.
    • 'ping for a ping message; the programmer should reply with 'pong message.
    • 'pong for a pong message, sent as a reply to a previous 'ping.
    • 'close for gracefully closing the socket; the program should close the websocket.
  • partial? is a boolean, with true value indicating that this is a partial message.


(websocket-connect url
                   protocol:     (proto #f)
                   redirect:     (redirect #f)
                   headers:      (headers #f)
                   cookies:      (cookies #f)
                   params:       (params #f)
                   auth:         (auth #f)
                   ssl-context:  (ssl-context (default-client-ssl-context))
                   timeout:      (timeo #f)
                   max-frame-size: (max-frame-size default-max-frame-size))
-> WebSocket

This is the client side of websockets; it connects to the url and returns an instance of WebSocket.

The redirect, headers, cookies, params, auth, ssl-context and timeout parameters are passed to the http request when establishing a connection; see HTTP requests for more information.

The protocol parameter is an optional comma separated list of protocols, for websocket protocol negotiation.

The max-frame-size parameter specifies the maximum accepted size for a frame; it defaults to 1MB.


(websocket-request-handler continue select-protocol
                           max-frame-size: (max-frame-size default-max-frame-size))
-> WebSocket

   continue := lambda (WebSocket)
   select-protocol := lambda ([string ...]) -> string or #f

This is the server side of websockets; it creates a request handler for the http server, that accepts and upgrades websocket requests.

The procedure requires two arguments:

  • continue is a procedure that takes a WebSocket instance to handle the interaction. It is invoked by the http handler after the connection has been successfully upgraded.
  • select-protocol is a procedure that takes a list of websocket protocols (strings) and selects one of them or returns #f if it doesn't support any of client specified protocols. Note that if the client does not specify a protocol, the select-protocol will not be invoked.

The max-frame-size parameter specifies the maximum accepted size for a frame; it defaults to 1MB.


(WebSocket-send sock message)
  sock := WebSocket

Sends a message, which must not exceed the maximum frame size in binary size.


(WebSocket-send-all sock message)
  sock := WebSocket

Sends a message even if it exceeds the maximum frame size, by fragmenting it into multiple partial messages.


(WebSocket-recv sock) -> message
  sock := WebSocket

Receives the next message, which must not exceed the maximum frame size in binary size.


(WebSocket-recv-all sock maximum-message-size) -> message
  sock := WebSocket

Receives a stream of partial messages (frames) and assembles them into a single aggregate message. If the incoming stream of partial messages exceeds the maximum-message-size in total, an error is raised.


(WebSocket-protocol sock) -> maybe string
  sock := WebSocket

This is the protocol negotiated for this socket; it can be #f if the client didn't ask for any particular protocol.


(WebSocket-max-frame-size sock) -> nonnegative-fixnum
  sock := WebSocket

The maximum frame size supported by this websocket. The implementation of send will raise an error if the programmer attempts to send a message (frame) larger than this number. Similarly, the implementation of recv will send an error if a frame header is received with size larger than this number.