The Embedded HTTP Server
The :std/net/httpd
library provides an embedded HTTP/1.1 server, which you can
use to serve web applications and apis from your program.
See the tutorial for a simple example program which uses the server.
To use the bindings from this package:
(import :std/net/httpd)
Server Interface
(current-http-server [server])
Parameter denoting the current http server.
(start-http-server! [mux: mux = (make-default-http-mux)]
[backlog: backlog = 10]
[sockopts: sockopts = [SO_REUSEADDR]]
address ...) -> <server>
mux := request multiplexer
backlog := server socket listen backlog
sockpts := server socket options.
address ... := addresses to listen
Start a new http server serving in the specified addresses and multiplexing requests using the specified multiplexer.
(stop-http-server! <server>)
Stops the http server and all associated threads.
(http-register-handler httpd path handler [host = #f])
httpd := server; the http server
path := string; the path to associate with the handler
handler := procedure; the request handler
host := string; the host to associate with the handler
Registers a new http request handler, for multiplexers that support dynamic request handlers.
Request Multiplexer
The request multiplexer is the object responsible for mapping paths (and hosts) to request handlers.
It is an arbitrary object with two methods:
{get-handler mux host path}
=> <handler> or #f
{put-handler! mux host path handler}
retrieves the handler corresponding to a path.
is invoked in response to http-register-handler
dynamically register a handler for a path. Custom mux implementations
may define this method as void if they don't support dynamic handler
(make-default-http-mux [default = #f]) -> <mux>
default := handler; the default page handler
Creates a default request multiplexer, which maps exact paths to handlers for all hosts. The default handler is returned if no handler has been registered for the path.
(make-recursive-http-mux [default = #f]) -> <mux>
default := handler; the default page handler
Creates a request multiplexer that maps paths and their subpaths to handlers for all hosts. The default handler is returned if no handler has been registered for the path or a prefix.
(make-static-http-mux table [default = #f]) -> <mux>
table := hash table, mapping paths (strings) to handlers
default := the default page handler
Creates a static request multiplexer initialized from a hash table of handlers.
The multiplexer does not support dynamic handler registration with put-handler!
The advantage over the default mux is that there is no mutex associated with the
handler table, resulting in faster (concurrent) handler lookup.
(make-recursive-static-http-mux table [default = #f]) -> <mux>
table := hash table, mapping paths (strings) to handlers
default := the default page handler
Creates a static request multiplexer initialized from a hash table of handlers.
Like make-recursive-http-mux
, the multiplexer maps paths and their subpaths to
handlers for all hosts.
(make-custom-http-mux getf [setf = void]) -> <mux>
getf := procedure that resolves the handler
setf := procedure that adds a new handler
Creates a request multiplexer that dispatches to user procedures for handler resolution and registration.
Request Handler Interface
The request handler is a procedure accepting two arguments, a request and a response.
(http-request? obj) -> boolean
Returns true for http request objects.
(http-request-method <request>) -> symbol
Returns the request method.
(http-request-url <request>) -> string
Returns the request URL.
(http-request-path <request>) -> string
Returns the request path.
(http-request-params <request>) -> string or #f
Returns the request parameters.
(http-request-proto <request>) -> string
Returns the request protocol.
(http-request-client <request>) -> address
Returns the IP address of the request client.
(http-request-headers <request>) -> alist
Returns the request headers, as an associative list of string to string; the headers are title-cased.
(http-request-body <request>) -> u8vector or #f
Reads and returns the request body.
(http-request-timeout-set! <request> <timeout>) -> unspecified
Sets the request timeout (in seconds).
(http-response? obj) -> boolean
Returns true for http response objects.
(http-response-write res status headers body) -> unspecified
res := the http response object
status := fixnum; the response status code
headers := alist; the response headers
body := string, u8vector or #f; the response body
Writes a complete response.
(http-response-begin res status headers) -> unspecified
res := the http response object
status := fixnum; the response status code
headers := alist; the response headers
Begins a chunked response.
(http-response-chunk res chunk [start = 0] [end = #f]) -> unspecified
res := the http response object
chunk := string or u8vector; the response chunk
start := fixnum; the start index in the chunk
end := fixnum or #f; the end index in the chunk
Writes the next chunk in a chunked response.
(http-response-end <response>) -> unspecified
Ends a chunked response.
(http-response-file res headers path) -> unspecified
res := the http response object
headers := alist; the response headers
path := string; the path to the file to serve as the response
Writes a file as a response.
(http-response-force-output <response>) -> unspecified
Flushes the response buffer.
(http-response-timeout-set! <response> <timeout>) -> unspecified
Sets the response timeout.
Server Configuration Options
(set-httpd-request-timeout! <timeout>) -> unspecified
Sets the http request timeout; default is 60s.
(set-httpd-response-timeout! <timeout>) -> unspecified
Sets the http response timeout; default is 120s.
(set-httpd-max-request-headers! <fixnum>) -> unspecified
Sets the maximum number of headers to accept in a request; default is 256.
(set-httpd-max-token-length! <fixnum>) -> unspecified
Sets the maximum header token length; default is 1024
(set-httpd-max-request-body-length! <fixnum>) -> unspecified
Sets the maximum request body length; default is 1MB.
(set-httpd-input-buffer-size! <fixnum>) -> unspecified
Sets the request input buffer size; default is 4KB.
(set-httpd-output-buffer-size! <fixnum>) -> unspecified
Sets the response output buffer size; default is 4KB.