Network REPL

Network repl for debugging live programs.


(import :std/net/repl)


(start-repl-server! password: (passwd #f)
                    address: (address ""))
=> <server>

Starts a network REPL server.


(stop-repl-server! <server>)

Stops a REPL server


REPL> (std/net/repl#taint! [tgroup])
  tgroup := thread-group; defaults to the primordial thread-group
=> <state>

Taints a thread-group, redirecting its repl ports to the repl server ports. This is necessary to visit threads in the debugger. Returns the thread-group specific state.


REPL> (std/net/repl#untaint! [tgroup [state]])
  tgroup := thread-group; defaults to the primordial thread-group
  state := any; defaults to #f

Untaints a thread-group, restoring its specific state.

Loading the Expander

By default, once connected, the REPL does not load the Gerbil expander but uses the primitive Gambit eval. This allows the REPL to be embedded to static binaries without the requirement to embed the expander's environment.

You can load the expander on demand in executables with:

REPL> (gerbil-load-expander!)