

(bytes->string bstr [encoding = 'UTF-8]) -> string

  bstr := u8vector

Decodes a byte vector bstr to a string.

Note: if you are decoding UTF-8, then you should consider using string->utf8 from :std/text/utf8 which is considerably faster.


(string->bytes str [encoding = 'UTF-8]) -> u8vector

  str := string

Encodes a string str to a bytevector.

Note: if you are encoding UTF-8, then you should consider using utf8->string from :std/text/utf8 which is considerably faster.


(substring->bytes str start end [encoding = 'UTF-8]) -> u8vector

  str := string
  start, end := fixnum

Encodes a substring str to a vector.

Note: if you are encoding UTF-8, then you should consider using utf8-encode from :std/text/utf8 which is considerably faster.


(string-empty? str) -> boolean

  str := string

Returns true if str is the empty string.


(string-prefix? prefix str) -> boolean

  prefix, str := string

Returns true if prefix is a prefix of string.


(string-index str char [start = 0]) -> fixnum | #f

  str   := string
  char  := character
  start := fixnum

Returns the index of the first occurrence of char in str.


(string-rindex str char [start = #f]) -> fixnum | #f

  str   := string
  char  := character
  start := fixnum or #f

Returns the index of the first occurrence from the right of char in str.


(string-split str char) -> list

  str  := string
  char := character; separator

Splits str into substrings using char as the separator.


(string-join strs char) -> string

  str  := list of strings
  char := character; separator

Joins strs into a string, using char as the separator.